Nicholas Toko
Director of Digital Projects
I've always been fascinated by psychological type and through my own personal experience, I've seen how type can improve our relationships with others and with ourselves too. I was delighted to join the BAPT board to share my expertise and promote awareness and understanding of type.
I initially joined the BAPT board to focus on special projects which quickly developed to become 'digital projects'. I'd like to develop BAPT's use of technology including Artificial Intelligence to promote our objectives, foster a sense of community, grow our membership and facilitate learning about psychological type.
I work as a freelance HR and Organizational Effectiveness consultant. I help HR functions to improve their service delivery and I work with organizations to connect their organizational strategy, structure, culture, people, processes and technology to achieve success.
I'm also a Jungian Analyst-in-training based in Zurich, Switzerland. My interest in Jungian psychology led me to develop a blog and podcast #JungianBitsOfInformation at which applies Jungian or analytical psychology in a psychosocial context specifically in the workplace, to (psycho)analyze individual, team and organizational behaviour in-depth to provide insights into the impact of personality or psychological type in business success.
My MBTI type is ESFP. I enjoy life to the max. I enjoy sports, nature, travelling - my favourite places in the world include Patagonia in Argentina for stunning nature and wildlife, the Scandinavian Arctic Circle region for the extreme weather, abundance of snow, winter solstice, northern lights and sealife which surprisingly includes Orcas or Killer Whales which regularly feed in the fjords, Washington DC where I would love to live one day, Istanbul for it's incredible history, India especially Khajuraho and Varanasi. I like cooking, good food, champagne, socialising and generally having a good time!
Feel free to connect with or follow me on LinkedIn at